Hello, No actions will be taken at this time as you have failed to follow the legal requirements of filing a trademark infringement takedown as required by Romanian law. The web server you have included a link to is fully hosted in Romania and is therefore subject to Romanian law. Please do not forget to include the address, telephone number and an email address of the party filing a takedown reuqest. Simply including a company name and not an authorized representative/agent is not in accordance with the law. Also, a legal patent registration number for the 'FOR DUMMIES' trademark relevant to Romanian law. This should be a trademark registration that currently exists with the Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trade Marks (OSIM) or one filed within the European Union that has EFFECT within Romania. Once all of these factors have been met, I will happily address your request. Also please note that notices such as this one are addressed in the order they are received and a 5 day business day response is not legally required. If you believe this is incorrect, please provide a valid Romanian statute that addresses a five business day requirement for a reply in your correctly sent notice. Thank you, -- Mike Jones