Brenton Tarrant

Brenton Tarrant - Christchurch NZ Shooting

EY.MD is not only a 2 letter domain owned by a big black paraplegic man named MikeJones and his gang of fellow paraplegics that utlize 4-Stroke 165CC Honda engines to power their wheels. It's also a conglomerate of sites & scripts that focus on anything useful or noteworthy. This page is dedicated to hosting information and content in regards to Brenton Tarrant, the suspect in the Chistchurch mosque shooting.

We don't really care for the bullshit sensational news that are posted by the likes of CNN, Fox and any other news stations or reporters. Below you will find the download links to the shooting videos as well as the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant.

Shooting videos as well as the manifesto can be found HERE

We stand behind KiwiFarms and any other websites/communities that defend it's users and continue to host and make available content that is not in any way illegal.

This site was made and is maintained by MikeJones. Direct all inquiries to twitter or through the email located on the Contact page.

If you would like for us to remove content that is completely legal to host and share in our non-retarded country, please feel free to send us an email for a free feature in our transparency report.